[*] Daniels Trysyah Putra "DLL"
[*] Aditya_key "Injector"
Fitur :
[*] WH D3D menu
Hotkey :
[*] Seperti Biasa
Tutorial :
1. Buka PBLauncher
2. Buka Adt™v.0.7 Injector - Start PBLauncher
3. Klik "WALLHACK" lanjut klik "ok" aj
4. Klo di minta ID & Key click "Try" aj (Ini Trial Version)
5. Jamu Harus lengkap.
6. Boleh copas tapi jangan lupa sertakan creditnya
7. Matikan antivirus, klo kedetect virus itu cuma FALS ALARM ( karena Packernya )
Download : SEDOOOT
Vitot :
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